Through our partnership with the City of Markham and the Immigrant Youth Centre, on September 18, 2021 we are opening a new community bike hub in Markham’s Markville neighbourhood. In conjunction with our current community hub in Milliken Mills, the hub will host community rides and bicycle repair workshops, as well as a bike mentorship and loan program and bike-related activities with community partners and services nearby. Our new community hub is located in the north east parking lot of Centennial Community Centre.
Quick Facts:
- Over one third of trips in Markham, or 460,000 trips a day, are 5km or less, a distance that could be easily made by bicycle. A 5km bike ride on average takes 20 minutes.
- The City of Markham’s Municipal Energy Plan (2018) includes the goal that by 2050, 50% of trips 5km or less would be walked or cycled instead of driven. This shift would save 9.6 kilotons of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Every day, nearly a quarter of the cycling trips that take place in Markham happen in the Milliken Mills neighbourhood.
- Over 4,500 households in Markham do not own a car.
Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the City of Markham, Markham Cycles is a project led by The Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT) at Clean Air Partnership. The project goals is to engage residents in climate change action by increasing opportunities for cycling in Markham and promote a healthy active lifestyle.