Whether you’re an expert cyclist or a casual walker, you are sure to find something that suits your lifestyle in the City of Markham.
The City has adopted the concept of “active transportation,” which promotes healthy alternatives to motorized transportation by encouraging residents to walk, jog, rollerblade or cycle not only for recreation and physical fitness but also for getting around the city for everyday activities.
Peter Miasek, vice-chair of Markham Council’s Cycling and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and a vocal advocate for active transportation, says many people don’t realize how easy it is to get around the city without a car.
“The city is a lot more compact than you would think,” he says, “and active transportation is viable for many of your trips. It’s true there are lots of trails for recreation, but there are also more utilitarian routes. I always try to use my bike for normal trips to the store or library.”
Read the full article, “Active Transportation Master Plan”.
Stay informed about the Active Transportation Masterplan at http://yourvoicemarkham.ca/walkingandcycling